Take advantage of our out-of-the-box templates and structured techniques for business design initiatives, enabling you to create detailed business blueprints and fully visualise your target operating model (TOM).
Translating business concepts into definitive proposals
Our tried and tested tools will provide you with a valuable framework against which you can define and document a clear and detailed vision for your new business models, channels to market, integration programmes and more.
When should you use them?
- When you want a single consolidated and consistently structured business design document that presents your key strategy and design decisions for a planned enterprise initiative
- When you want to avoid ambiguity by clearly documenting a major programme’s agreed scope, criteria and definition to project teams and stakeholders
- When you need a baseline that supports and defines the scope of your programme or project for downstream activities, providing a clear delineation of the inclusions and exclusions for your future business model
What do they cover?
- All key areas including customers, people, process, proposition, organisation, technology and information provision
- From enterprise level to specific business-areas
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Our templates and supporting tools will help you to formalise and fast-track your supplier selection and appointment process.

Our best practice requirements catalogue for automotive finance (retail and wholesale/stock finance), full-service leasing and fleet management details all business and functional requirements for the entire lifecycle of your service.